Adopt an Agency

adopt an agency

Minimum requirements for support include:

  • Businesses agree to host one on-site presentation given by the United Way and your ‘adopted’ agency
  • Businesses agree to sponsor an internal volunteer activity (kit-building) and/or agree to volunteer at the agency’s location (KIT BUILDING INFORMATION HERE)

Additional optional ways to support the adopted agency

  • One-time or on-going volunteering at adopted agency for a specific time-period (i.e., monthly for 6 months OR quarterly for 1 year)
  • Employee supply drives for the adopted agency
  • Corporate financial donation
  • Any other ideas, to be discussed with United Way and the agency


Interested in the ‘Adopt an Agency’ initiative?  Please complete the Interest Form below and email it to

If you are a United Way Partner Agency that is interested in completing an Interest Form, please contact


LINCLINC (Lead, Impact, Network, Change) is United Way’s 6-month young professional community impact course that introduces non-profit basics and community impact opportunities.  Each year, the LINC cohort chooses a community impact project, based upon the information they learned from the course.


In 2023, the LINC cohort proposed an “Adopt an Agency” initiative as a way of developing meaningful connections with local businesses with United Way partners.

Evolve Creative | Website, Branding & Marketing Agency in MN Thank you to Evolve Creative for designing the Adopt An Agency logo!