Browse through the categories below to find agencies in need:
People's Church is a multicultural and indigenous ministry of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America). They live out our faith by showing Creator God’s love for all people by offering shelter, hot meals, and community. Learn more on their website: peopleschurch-elca.org
Sunday Feast 12:00pm and Worship 12:30pm
Overnight Shelter Everynight | Meals Everyday
Their wish list:
Ground Coffee
Powdered Creamer
Boxed Desserts (cake/brownies/etc.)
NEW Men’s and Women’s Underwear of all sizes
Men’s and Women’s Socks (winter weight)
Cough drops
Body Lotion (any size)
Evergreen Youth & Family Services
Contact: 218-751-8223
Northwoods Battered Women's Shelter
Contact: 218-444-1395
Ridgeway Neighborhood Initiative (RNI)
Email: Mya Donnell, myadonnell1@gmail.com or Sandy Hennum; shennum@hrdc.org
Village of Hope
Call: 218-751-0722
Adult Day Services
Book donations are accepted to help enrich the lives of their members. They take puzzles too!
Call: 218-751-1324
Bemidji Senior Center
Book donations are used in their annual book sale to help raise funds for their center.
Call: 218-751-1324
Children's Books:
Boys & Girls Club of Bemidji Area
Call: 218-444-4171
Evergreen Youth & Family Services
Contact: 218-751-8223
Ridgeway Neighborhood Initiative (RNI)
Email: Mya Donnell, myadonnell1@gmail.com or Sandy Hennum; shennum@hrdc.org
Village of Hope
Call: 218-751-0722
Art supplies, new or gently used toys, new or gently used clothing, diapers, wipes, etc.
Evergreen Youth & Family Services
Contact: 218-751-8223
Northwoods Battered Women's Shelter
Contact: 218-444-1395
Ridgeway Neighborhood Initiative (RNI)
Contact: Mya Donnell, myadonnell1@gmail.com or Sandy Hennum; shennum@hrdc.org
Village of Hope
Contact: 218-751-0722
Evergreen Youth & Family Services
Contact: 218-751-8223
Northwoods Battered Women's Shelter
Contact: 218-444-1395
Ridgeway Neighborhood Initiative (RNI)
Email: Mya Donnell, myadonnell1@gmail.com or Sandy Hennum; shennum@hrdc.org
Village of Hope
Call: 218-751-0722
All clothing must be clean and in good condition.
Beltrami County Health & Human Services - Reset Program
Contact: Amanda Sachau; Amanda.Sachau@co.beltrami.mn.us
The Reset Program is a volunteer program in the jail that assists inmates with resources and services within the community. This program is for anyone willing to commit to a positive RESET in their life. The RESET social worker will make referrals, create case plans and work to see that services are set up prior to your release date. RESET has regular communication with you after release for a short period of time to help keep you on a successful track.
- Women: all sizes leggings, sweatpants, t-shirts, sweatshirts
- Men: L - 4x sweatpants, t-shirts, sweatshirts
- Adult shoes - all sizes
- Smaller sized throws/blankets
Northwoods Battered Women's Shelter
Contact: 218-444-1395
New Day Center
Contact: 218-444-8124
Day shelter for homeless community members. Open 8AM - 8PM
- Shoes
- Twin sheets (with or without pillowcases)
- Warm gloves
- Hats
- Socks
- Boots
- Hand and Feet warmers
- Winter jackets/coats
- L/XL/XXL Sweatshirts
- XL/XXL T-shirts
- Please note: we cannot accept non shelf stable food, food that requires prep, blankets, children's items
Bemidji Early Childhood Collaborative (BECC)
Contact: Chelsea; chelsea.becc@gmail.com
BECC works with children 0-5.
Boys & Girls Club of Bemidji Area
Call: 218-444-4171
Hope House
Contact: hopehouse@paulbunyan.net or 218-444-6748
Hope House supports people with serious and persistent mental illness so they can live in the community in the least restrictive setting, function at their best level, and reduce the need for involuntary hospitalization.
- Craft kits and/or craft supplies
- Variety of individual paint canvases (12" - 16" or less)
- Leather working kits/tools
- Etc.
When individuals and families move out of a shelter and transition into a new home these donations can be live changing! Ideas for donations: beds, couches, bed frames, bedding, dressers, end tables, table & chairs,
Evergreen Youth & Family Services
Contact: 218-751-8223
Evergreen Youth & Family Services is a private, non-profit youth and family service provider. Every year, 2500 children, youth, and young families come to them for emergency food and shelter, mentoring, independent living skills training, counseling, pregnancy prevention, transitional housing and community suicide prevention.
Restore / Habitat for Humanity
Contact: Brandon Mustful; brandon.mustful@northwoodshabitat.org
ReStore is part of Northwoods Habitat for Humanity. The ReStore is full of household goods like furniture donated by the community to help raise funds towards their Habitat for Humanity efforts of home building and repair programs.
Village of Hope
Call: 218-751-0722
When families move into their new place, often times they will need everything from beds, dressers, etc. Call to find out what their needs are.
Bemidji Senior Center
They take donations to use in their annual garage sale to help raise funds for their center.
Call: 218-751-1324
Evergreen Youth & Family Services
Contact: 218-751-8223
Northwoods Battered Women's Shelter
Contact: 218-444-1395
Ridgeway Neighborhood Initiative (RNI)
Email: Mya Donnell, myadonnell1@gmail.com or Sandy Hennum; shennum@hrdc.org
Village of Hope
Call: 218-751-0722
Donation ideas:
- Travel Size Toiletries
- Toothbrushes and Toothpaste
- Laundry Detergent (individual packs too)
- Dish Detergent
- Deodorant
- Diapers (all sizes)
- Baby wipes
- Shaving Razors and Shaving Cream [Men & Women]
- Toilet Paper
Churches United
Contact: Wanda; 218-444-1380 or cunited@paulbunyan.net
Churches United is a non-profit organization of Bemidji area churches, working together to meet the emergency needs of homeless and low-income people in a prayerful way.
Evergreen Youth & Family Services
Contact: 218-751-8223
Evergreen Youth & Family Services is a private, non-profit youth and family service provider. Every year, 2500 children, youth, and young families come to them for emergency food and shelter, mentoring, independent living skills training, counseling, pregnancy prevention, transitional housing and community suicide prevention.
Face it Together
Contact: 218-444-8753
Face it Together Bemidji aims to reduce the stigma with addictions of all kinds. Their Recovery Coaches aim to instill Strength and Hope by sharing their personal recovery story and also providing resources to help others in their journey of recovery.
New Day Center
Contact: 218-444-8124
Day shelter for homeless community members. Open 8AM - 8PM
Northwoods Battered Women's Shelter
Contact: 218-444-1395
Ridgeway Neighborhood Initiative (RNI)
Please consider donating items to our Ridgeway neighbors and families.
Contact: Mya Donnell, myadonnell1@gmail.com or Sandy Hennum; shennum@hrdc.org
Village of Hope
Call: 218-751-0722