Click on the organization name to be directed to their website.
Great River Rescue
Animal care, Pet fixer clinics, events and more!
- Call: 218-751-7910
Evergreen Youth & Family Services
Help maintain Evergreen Youth & Family's apartments! Projects include handywork, sheetrock repair, appliance repair, painting, cleaning, etc.
- Contact: Courtney Gifford; cgifford@evergreenyfs.org
Northwoods Habitat for Humanity
Build houses! Your gift of time will help a family realize their dream of home ownership. Opportunities to help abound at Habitat including building, repair (A Brush With Kindness), ReStore, and Committees. View their Volunteer flyer HERE.
- Contact: Brandon Mustful; brandon.mustful@northwoodshabitat.org
Beltrami County Historical Society
A fun place to volunteer for both kids and adults!
- Contact: Emily; depot@beltramihistory.org
Bemidji Early Childhood Collaborative
With a focus on kids 0-5, they have activities, committees, and other fun ways volunteer.
- Contact: Chelsea; chelsea.becc@gmail.com
Boys & Girls Club of Bemidji Area
So many opportunities to invest in a child's life at the Club!
- Fill out the form on their website: https://www.bgcbemidji.org/get-involved/
Evergreen Youth & Family Services
Support youth ages 9-24! Between their youth shelter and their drop-in center, committees and more there are lots of ways to get involved.
- Contact: Courtney; cgifford@evergreenyfs.org
Foster Grandparent Volunteer
Make a positive impact in the lives of children and youth in the classroom. For adults age 55 and older. Receive a stipend plus transportation reimbursement.
- Click to learn more and apply: Lutheran Social Services.
Headwaters Music & Arts
Lots of neat and fun ways to connect with this amazing organization!
- Contact: Kendra; kendra.cuthbertson@headwatersmusicandarts.org
Headwaters Science Center
Get a customized FUN volunteer experience!
- Contact: Lee; leehscbemidji@gmail.com
ServeMN - Reading Corps
Tutoring opportunities available in reading and math!
- Contact: Sky; s.halbert@supportwithinreach.org
Churches United
Help meet the needs of homeless and low-income individuals and families by becoming an advocate. They are looking for help during their open hours; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 12-4. Click to learn more.
- Contact: Wanda; cunited@paulbunyan.net
St. Vincent dePaul
Offering person-to-person service and support to individuals in need with such items as food/gas/clothing vouchers, utilities, rent, deposits, repairs, etc.
- Contact: Dale Janke; dmjankes@gmail.com
Bemidji Community Food Shelf
The Food Shelf is a wonderful place to volunteer and they have many opportunities to get involved.
- Contact: bcfsvolunteer@gmail.com
Bemidji Community Table
They serve meals to people in our community four nights a week. Volunteer shifts are Monday - Thursday 4:30pm - 6:30pm.
- Sign-up: HERE or email bemidjisoupkitchen@gmail.com
LSS- Meals on Wheels
Deliver fresh, hot meals and provide a safety check for older adults through our Meals on Wheels service and/or serve meals at our LSS Bistro Community Dining Centers. Set your own schedule and no minimum volunteers hours required.
- Contact: 800.488.4146 or email meals@lssmn.org to learn more. To apply click: Lutheran Social Services.
North Country Food Bank
Help hand out food at their mobile food drops (typically in Bagley and Blackduck)
- Email: Kristin Osowski; kosowski@northcountryfoodbank.org
Bemidji Community Food Shelf
Garden work, planting, weeding, etc. on their 3.5-acre farm located next to their food shelf. They grow thousands of pounds of fresh produce that is distributed in the food shelf.
- Email: bcfsvolunteer@gmail.com
Boys & Girls Club of the Bemidji Area
Tend a garden while teaching the children about it! They have a garden on site! The goal is to provide good nutrition, outdoor experiences, regular physical activity through gardening, and increasing access to fresh fruits and vegetables. This leads to the improvement in a child's overall well-being.
- Apply and learn more HERE!
Mississippi Headwaters Audubon Society (MHAS)
Take care of local trails and more! MHAS is entirely run by volunteers. Everything they do is the result of people like you who enjoy nature and want to make a difference. Look and see if you can help with any of the opportunities on our website or email us and suggest other ways you would like to volunteer with MHAS.
- Email: mhas@spearheadmhas.org
Bemidji Community Table
Help prep, cook, serve meals, and clean-up for people in our community four nights a week. Volunteer shifts are Monday - Thursday 4:30pm - 6:30pm.
- Sign-up: HERE, or email; bemidjisoupkitchen@gmail.com
Bemidji Senior Center
They have a pancake breakfast every 2nd Saturday of the month from 8am - 10:30am. Arrival time for volunteers is either 7am or 7:30am and done by 11am. It is fun and easy! They have lots of other volunteers there to help you and show you the ropes.
- Contact: Josie Proulx, josiejimcable@paulbunyan.net or Mikey Lucia, mmlucia1985@gmail.com
Bemidji Community Table
Join their Board! They are looking for someone with administration skills to join their board! Their mission is simple; to feed people in need.
- Contact: bemidjisoupkitchen@gmail.com
Beltrami County Historical Society's
They are looking for a Volunteer Event Marketing Coordinator. This volunteer position with flexible hours offers a rewarding opportunity to make a meaningful impact in promoting their events and engaging with our community.
- View: Volunteer Job Description
- To apply: please send an email of interest to Emily at depot@beltramihistory.org.
Bemidji Symphony Orchestra
If you have a love for music, this is a wonderful opportunity! Usher during concerts, join their board or committees, office support, help at events and more. For more information or to inquire.
- Contact: Katey Lutz; bso@bemidjisymphony.org
Headwaters Music & Arts
Whether you love to teach music or want to help at their events, there are opportunities for you!
- Contact: Kendra; kendra.cuthbertson@headwatersmusicandarts.org
Beltrami Historical Society
Volunteer your time by organizing historical items, photos and files. So many neat treasures and discoveries are found!
- Contact: depot@beltramihistory.org
Adult Day Services
At Adult Day Services you can assist and interact with participants through various games, activities and projects. You too will benefit from working with an amazing group of people encompassing many years of life experiences.
- Contact: Katelyn; kburr@adultdayservicesbemidji.com
Bemidji Senior Center
Bemidji Senior Center has so many activities going on and have plenty of opportunities for volunteers including their pancake breakfasts, senior interaction, gift shop and so much more!
- Contact: Josie Proulx, josiejimcable@paulbunyan.net or Mikey Lucia, mmlucia1985@gmail.com
Lutheran Social Services
LSS has opportunities like delivering meals, being a foster Grandparent, Caregiver support and more.
Northwoods Caregivers
Northwoods Caregivers offers services including respite care, transportation, shopping assistance, and more.
- Contact: Jenn Cole, jenn.cole@co.beltrami.mn.us
Sanford Health Bemidji
Sanford Health Bemidji offers many volunteer opportunities including hospice, gift shop, office support, greeter, coffee cart, senior support and much more.
- Visit their website to learn more and to apply: Bemidji Volunteer Opportunities | Sanford Health
Evergreen Youth & Family Services
Evergreen has a shelter and drop-in center for youth dealing. Reach out to Courtney to see what their current needs are.
- Contact: Courtney; cgifford@evergreenyfs.org
Northwoods Battered Women's Shelter
Their goal is to provide crisis shelter, victim-center advocacy and supportive services for victims of intimate partner violence. Contact them to find out what their current needs are.
- Contact: chris.l@mnshelter.org
Village of Hope
Village of Hope is an emergency shelter for families. They work hard to break the cycle of homelessness. Contact them to find out what their current needs are.
Lutheran Social Services
Become a Senior Companion! Enhance the lives of older adults who need assistance with daily tasks to remain in their own homes and in the community. For adults age 55 and older. Receive a stipend plus transportation reimbursement.
- Click to apply or learn more Lutheran Social Services
Northwoods Caregivers
Northwoods Caregivers offers services including respite care, transportation, shopping assistance, and more.
- Contact: Michelle Nelson; michelle.nelson@co.beltrami.mn.us