Volunteer Opportunities
We all recognize that our right to vote is also one of our duties as a citizen. But there are other duties that we have as well.
One is to understand how our government works. League of Women Voters Park Rapids Area is encouraging all citizens to take some time to attend local governmental meetings especially before the upcoming elections. People that attend these meetings even a couple of times understand more of what each governmental bodies does. Then when they have a question, request or need, they know which governmental level handles which need. They know what the procedures are to solve that problem.
But it all starts with you making time to attend a few of these meetings. It's easy... find the date and time on the calendar links provided and go. You don't have to say anything, just observe and learn how your government works.
Attend a Park Rapids City Council Meeting, a Library Board Meeting, or a Parks Board Meeting: Use the link below to find time and dates..
Find the dates and times of the meetings here:
The Park Rapids Planning Commission meets on the fourth Monday at 6 PM Meetings are held in the City Hall Council Chamber at 210 First Street West in Park Rapids.
Who We Are
The League of Women Voters is the organization where hands-on work to safeguard democracy leads to civic improvement.
Join the League of Women Voters, a respected national grassroots organization, where individuals like you are actively engaged in creating positive change on the local, state, and national levels.
Become a member and serve as a leader in your community, and work to shape the important issues that keep our communities strong.
What We Do
Join us in:
- Acting as a force to create positive, lasting change in our communities
- Empowering millions of voters to protect their right to vote and to have that vote count.
- Bridging the partisan divide by fostering civil discourse on topics of community interest.
- Educating citizens and fostering dialogue on important issues - from healthcare and environmental concerns to immigration and affordable housing.
- Advocating for positive change at the local, state and national levels on issues that impact all of us, such as land and water use, education reform and government transparency and accountability.
Connect with Us
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LWVPRA
Blog: lwvparkrapidsarea.blogspot.com
CC White
1200 East First Street
Park Rapids, MN 56470
Office Hours
Volunteer organization with a monthly business meeting on zoom, third Wednesday of each month: 4:00 pm