Donation Need
We are currently looking for a piano as the one that we had is no longer staying tuned and working properly.
Who We Are
Since 1955, Heritage Community has been the preferred senior living provider in Hubbard County. Known for its high quality care, gracious hospitality, and array of choices, our campus covers a continuum of care that includes a Skilled Nursing Facility, Memory Care, Independent Living Apartments, Assisted Living, and Short-stay and Rehabilitation Transitional Care. We honor the well-being and independence of every member of our community. We strive to provide a home and community that residents cherish and are truly proud to call home.
What We Do
Heritage Living Center specializes in short-term rehabilitation and long term care. We serve, empower, and honor our residents, and are committed to upholding the highest professional standards and ethics. You have the assurance that nursing staff are on site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to meet you or your loved one’s needs. Our social service department serves as a liaison between residents, families, and care center staff. Family and Resident Councils allow for increased communication with administration and department managers. We offer an array of social, leisure, and spiritual activities so that residents can live fuller, richer lives. Our rooms are comfortable and spacious, and our outdoor patio, walkways, and landscaping are beautiful views for residents to enjoy. Ecumen Awakenings program is used at these sites. For more information about Heritage Living Center, call us at 218-732-3329.
Mary Evink, Life Enrichment Coordinator
218-237-8334 ext. 8334
619 West 6th Street
Park Rapids, MN 56470
Office Hours
8:00am - 8:00pm