Donation Need
Socks for Credit
Students at the PRAHS ALC are earning socks for credits!
Every time a full credit is earned, students can choose a pair of socks that have been generously donated by Helping Hands and also community members. This has become a really fun incentive for our students. They have been earning many credits, so if you feel like contributing to this great cause, please drop off new socks to the district office in the Frank White Education Center. We are looking for both men's and women's socks - fun, colorful, black, white, short tall - we love them ALL!
Who We Are
Park Rapids Area High School Alternative Learning Center is an independent study based alternative learning center (ALC) serving students ages 14-21. Admission to the ALC is based on qualifying circumstances and approved by the Park Rapids high school principal.
What We Do
Instruction is individualized and credits are awarded on a performance or independent study basis. Students who complete their credits through the ALC program receive the same diploma as other high school graduates. They may elect to meet the graduation requirements for a diploma from Park Rapids Area High School, or they may have their credits transferred back to their home school.
Lisa Coborn
301 Huntsinger Ave
Park Rapids, MN 56470
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday: 7:30-5:30
Friday: 7:30-3:00